The Mountaineer

GEO. W. CAMPBELL, Publisher


SEPT. 1899

The MOUNTAINEER will be pub­lished the second week in each month, at 40 cents per annum, in advance.  Adver­tisements inserted at reasonable rates.



                Fayette County, Pa.







Part Thirty-Seventh

Jacob Leichliter was born August 11th, 1788.  John, his fa­ther, located in "Jersey" of Somerset County, then a dense forest, and endured hardships and privation at the beginning.  Robert Hare, nearest neighbor a mile a-way.  Often relieved wants of the then little family.  Jacob was then a little child, crying for a morsel of corn-bread with no other drink than water.  Hare's kindly sent milk, soon a cow was brought home.  David, Samuel, Sarah, Margaret and other “01ive” plants soon gathered around the table.

Jacob grew with sterling qualities, marrying Jemima Campbell about 1812, to whom were born sons; R. Campbell, Thomas, John, Levi and Samuel C.; Elizabeth, married Daniel Williams; Mary A. to Jacob Crossen; Lydia died young.  The two eldest sons died young.  John and Levi were ministers.  Levi founded Wesley Chapel on his farm. M. D., his son, is a prominent M. E. Minister and is a Past State Councillor, Jr. O. U. A. M.  Samuel C., married to Sarah Nicholson, taught school and lived on L. A. Kimmel and J. L. Stentz farms~ Mr. and Mrs. Williams, late of Nicolay P. 0., are parents of Mrs. Martin Miner, Mrs. P. F. M. Nicolay and other prominent ones.  Levi was recently a U. S. Guager; other brothers artists and teachers.  Mr. and Mrs. Crossen were U. B. Church luminaries, once living in house now owned by D. Shank.

After Mrs. Leichliter's death, Jacob, about 1830, married Martha Williams who was born Feb. 1, 1809.  She was a daugh­ter of Martin of this township, and was a fine woman and kind mother.  Sons: David W. C., married Harriet Zufall; Martin to Sarah A. Brooks; Jacob W. C. to Mary J. Brooks; James to Lucartha King, W. H. H. to Susannah Shultz; George W. to Harriet King, and Albert M. to Christiana Grim.  Daughters: Margaret J. married Joel Miner; Jemima to Albert Harshman; Martha E. to Daniel Harshman, and Sarah A. to Wm. Workman.

Mr. Leichliter was father of 19 children, some born in this county where nearly all the family have made their home. The father in March or April 1847 moved from Somerset County to farm bought of David Barnet, two miles north of Springfield.


The husband and wife were Baptists and were faithful.

David W. C. taught school; lives in New Haven and served well as constable or in other offices.

Martin was father-in-law of Revs. J. S. Hays and A. Long of the U. B. Church.

Jacob W.C., a U. B. leader, sold farm and moved west.

James owns the homestead and has fine improvements.

William H. H. bought and improved the Lavina Kern farm. He was a U. B. church member.  A son, John L., is a minister of that denomination.

George W. taught school and has been school director. He owns a farm and is prosperous; a church worker and has musical talent.

Albert M. entered U. B. ministry 1883; moved to Nebraska and to Iowa.  Accepted call to Congregational pulpit at Larchwood in 1891.  His only son C. H., owns and edits the Larchwood Leader.

Mrs. Miner and sisters married worthy men, and the de­scendants of Mr. Leichliter bear the impress of parent's character, being quiet, peaceable and law abiding.

"Father" Leichliter was called to his long home May 29, 1881, aged nearly 93 years.  "Mother" Leichliter departed Feb. 28, 1882, aged 73 years.  Their remains rest in Springfield cemetery.


1321 Singer Place

Wilkinsburg, Pa.